Equipments Details
The first generation Octet to perform label-free quantitation of antibodies, proteins, peptides, DNA and other biomolecules and provide kinetic characterization of biomolecular binding interactions
Epitope mapping/binding
Yes/No binding
Automated IgG concentration determinations
Custom protein concentration determinations
Brings the detection surface directly into a 96-well sample plate in a simple Dip and Read format, eliminating the need for microfluidics
Configured for eight-channel parallel analysis, enabling operators to increase throughput without increasing budget or headcount
One acquisition speed setting of 0.6 Hz (1 data point per 1.6 seconds) with 5 averages per data point
Runs up to eight samples in parallel, and up to 96 samples in unattended operation
Epitope mapping/binding
Yes/No binding
Automated IgG concentration determinations
Custom protein concentration determinations
Brings the detection surface directly into a 96-well sample plate in a simple Dip and Read format, eliminating the need for microfluidics
Configured for eight-channel parallel analysis, enabling operators to increase throughput without increasing budget or headcount
One acquisition speed setting of 0.6 Hz (1 data point per 1.6 seconds) with 5 averages per data point
Runs up to eight samples in parallel, and up to 96 samples in unattended operation

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