Equipments Details
A hybrid mass spectrometer which incorporates a linear ion trap and a high-resolution Orbitrap mass analyzers
The linear ion trap permits selection and fragmentation of precursor ions of interest, and the Orbitrap performs Fourier-transform high-resolution analyses of the precursor and fragment ions.
Fragmentation capabilities include collisional ion activation (CID and HCD) and electron-based ion activation, electron-transfer dissociation (ETD).
The HCD cell in the LTQ facilitates quantitation of isobarically-labeled peptides for differential protein expression analysis or other applications requiring tandem mass tags (e.g. TMT or iTRAQ).
The ETD option is used for phosphopeptide analysis.
Peptide fragments generated by ETD provide complementary information to the conventional CID-generated information which is critical in post-translational modification (PTM) analysis and de novo sequencing.
The Dionex UltiMate 3000 nano-LC system can operate in both 1D and 2D LC mode, where the 2D LC mode facilitates separation of complex mixtures through two orthogonal separation approaches: reverse phase and strong cation exchange.
The linear ion trap permits selection and fragmentation of precursor ions of interest, and the Orbitrap performs Fourier-transform high-resolution analyses of the precursor and fragment ions.
Fragmentation capabilities include collisional ion activation (CID and HCD) and electron-based ion activation, electron-transfer dissociation (ETD).
The HCD cell in the LTQ facilitates quantitation of isobarically-labeled peptides for differential protein expression analysis or other applications requiring tandem mass tags (e.g. TMT or iTRAQ).
The ETD option is used for phosphopeptide analysis.
Peptide fragments generated by ETD provide complementary information to the conventional CID-generated information which is critical in post-translational modification (PTM) analysis and de novo sequencing.
The Dionex UltiMate 3000 nano-LC system can operate in both 1D and 2D LC mode, where the 2D LC mode facilitates separation of complex mixtures through two orthogonal separation approaches: reverse phase and strong cation exchange.

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