Equipments Details
Crystallization service provided by the X-Ray Crystallography Facility
You provide the sample (native gel electrophoresis should be performed to demonstrate purity).
Screens are performed (eleven 48-conditions, seven 24-conditions, three 96-conditions from Hampton; six 96-condition suites from Nextal).
Case-specific optimization grids are used to obtain diffraction-quality crystals from initial screens.
Trained users can screen using crystallization robot.
You provide the sample (native gel electrophoresis should be performed to demonstrate purity).
Screens are performed (eleven 48-conditions, seven 24-conditions, three 96-conditions from Hampton; six 96-condition suites from Nextal).
Case-specific optimization grids are used to obtain diffraction-quality crystals from initial screens.
Trained users can screen using crystallization robot.
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Art Robbins Instruments Phoenix protein crystallization robot
Huck Institutes of the Life SciencesEquipment/facility: Equipment
Nikon SMZ1500 stereo-microscope and digital camera
Huck Institutes of the Life SciencesEquipment/facility: Service
Sartorius Biostat B-DCU - 4 x 5 L vessels
Huck Institutes of the Life SciencesEquipment/facility: Equipment
Sartorius Biostat Cplus - 2 x 30 L vessels
Huck Institutes of the Life SciencesEquipment/facility: Equipment
Sartorius Biostat D-DCU - 50 and 100 L
Huck Institutes of the Life SciencesEquipment/facility: Equipment