IEE-DEESL-California Analytical Instruments 700 Fourier Transform Infrared Analyzer (FTIR)

    Equipment/facility: Equipment

    • LocationShow on map

      University Park, PA 16801

      United States

    Equipments Details


    The analyzer provides fast, continuous measurement of gases that have an infrared absorption spectrum. Gases currently available for the FTIR include:

    Gas* & Calibration Range (ppm)

    Ammonia (NH3) | 0 - 1000

    Carbon Dioxide (CO2) | 0 - 1500

    Carbon Monoxide (CO) | 0 - 500

    Nitric Oxide (NO) | 0 - 1000

    Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) | 0 - 1000

    Nitrous Oxide (N2O) | 0 - 500

    Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) | 0 - 100

    Propane (C3H8) | 0 - 100

    Acetylene (C2H2) | 0 - 100

    Ethylene (C2H4) | 0 - 100

    Methane (CH4) | 0 - 100

    H2S as Sulfur Dioxide | 0 – 1000

    Sulfur Dioxide | 0 - 1500

    *Additional reference gases (available in CAI’s library) can be added upon request


    0.8 wave number (cm-1) resolution
    High sensitivity with 10.2 meter optical path
    Laptop controlled with OPUS software
    Intelligent multi-point sampler
    Example Applications:

    Greenhouse gases
    Biomass/landfill gases
    Agricultural emissions
    Vehicle emissions


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