Equipments Details
The Mettler is used to quantify the acid and base content (acidity and alkalinity) of a solution.
Analytical Method: Our laboratory follows Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wasterwater, 23rd Edition. Acidity analysis (cold) and acidity analysis (hot) are completed following 2310B titration method. Alkalinity analysis is completed following 2320B method.
For samples submitted to the water quality laboratory for acidity/alkalinity analysis, our analysts also analyze and report turbidity of the submitted samples using the Hach Turbidimeter. The cost per sample includes acidity/turbidity or alkalinity/turbidity. Analysis requires filtration using a 0.45µm filter and all samples must be stored at 4ºC.
Analytical Method: Our laboratory follows Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wasterwater, 23rd Edition. Acidity analysis (cold) and acidity analysis (hot) are completed following 2310B titration method. Alkalinity analysis is completed following 2320B method.
For samples submitted to the water quality laboratory for acidity/alkalinity analysis, our analysts also analyze and report turbidity of the submitted samples using the Hach Turbidimeter. The cost per sample includes acidity/turbidity or alkalinity/turbidity. Analysis requires filtration using a 0.45µm filter and all samples must be stored at 4ºC.
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