Micro CT Scanner: GE v|tome|x L300 multi-scale nano/microCT system

    Equipment/facility: Equipment

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      416 Academic Activities Building University Park, PA 16802

      United States

    Equipments Details


    The GE v|tome|x system is a dual-tube system equipped with a 300kV unipolar microfocus X-ray tube, a 180kV nanofocus X-ray tube with transmission target assembly, and a GE DXR250 high-contrast digital flat panel detector. The high-energy xs|300 d unipolar 300kV, 500W X-ray tube uses a tungsten reflection target system. This X-ray tube allows CT imaging of a range of object sizes and densities at high-resolution with a maximum feature detectability of 1 mm. The xs|300 d unipolar allows for the flexibility of conducting both low energy, high-resolution scanning and higher energy scanning for larger, denser objects.

    The xs|180nf 180kV, 15W nanofocus X-ray tube uses a transmission target system to achieve nanofocus with detail detectabilities in the sub-500 nm range. The xs|180nf also uses a diamond exit window that greatly enhances data quality compared to the more common beryllium windows. The nanofocus tube includes both tungsten and molybdenum target assemblies. Molydenum targets optimize the X-ray spectrum at low acceleration voltages and enhance detectability of low density, soft materials like soft biological tissue. The v|tome|x L 300 uses a high-contrast GE DXR|250|HCD 4 megapixel (2048x2048) digital flat panel detector. This detector is mounted on a track and is automatically translated laterally so that the detector field can be doubled. This so-called “virtual detector” effectively increases the available pixel field to 4096 wide by 2048 high. The increased pixel field allows a much larger projection image to be collected so that maximum resolutions for scanning increase to approximately 1/4000th the diameter of the object being scanned.

    Computed tomography allows for objects to be viewed from multiple directions, thus providing a 3D array of image data. This technique offers non-destructive access to internal structures, composition and processes, where object geometry, density, porosity, component ratios (saturation and composition) and processes can be measured quantitatively.


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