Equipments Details
The MReyetracking system works in conjunction with the VisuaStim Digital goggles
Enable tracking of eye movement during fMRI paradigms
Requires the VisuaStim Digital system
Supported by advanced ViewPoint software from Arrington Research
This system was purchased from Resonance Technology Inc. The MReyetracking system works in conjunction with our VisuaStim Digital goggles to enable tracking of patient eye movement during paradigm delivery. The system is supported by advanced ViewPoint software from Arrington Research.
Enable tracking of eye movement during fMRI paradigms
Requires the VisuaStim Digital system
Supported by advanced ViewPoint software from Arrington Research
This system was purchased from Resonance Technology Inc. The MReyetracking system works in conjunction with our VisuaStim Digital goggles to enable tracking of patient eye movement during paradigm delivery. The system is supported by advanced ViewPoint software from Arrington Research.

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