- 1 - 250 out of 420 results
Search results
Reginald Adams, Jr.
- Psychology - Professor
- Department of Neurology - Professor
- Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
Person: Academic
Juan Udaondo Alegre
- Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese - Assistant Professor of Spanish
Person: Academic
W. Oliver Baker
- African American Studies - Assistant Professor
- English - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
JoshuaT Barnett
- Communication Arts and Sciences - Assistant Professor in Communication Arts & Sciences (College of the Liberal Arts)
Person: Academic
Sheri A. Berenbaum, PhD
- Psychology - Professor
- Department of Pediatrics - Professor
- Social Science Research Institute (SSRI) - Assistant Director
- Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
- One Health Microbiome Center
- Penn State Neuroscience Institute
Person: Academic
Robert Lambert Bernasconi
- Philosophy - Edwin Erle Sparks Professor
- African American Studies - Edwin Erle Sparks Professor
Person: Academic
Anthony Bertelli
- Political Science - Professor
- School of Public Policy - Sherwin-Whitmore Chair of Liberal Arts and Professor
Person: Academic
Karen Linn Bierman, PhD
- Psychology - Evan Pugh University Professor of Psychology and Human Development and Family Studies
Person: Academic
Patrick G. Cheney
- English - Edwin Erle Sparks Professor
- Comparative Literature - Edwin Erle Sparks Professor
Person: Academic
Shannon Cruz
- Communication Arts and Sciences - Assistant Professor
- Center for Pollinator Research
Person: Academic
Daniel DellaPosta
- Sociology and Criminology - Associate Professor
- Institute for Computational and Data Sciences (ICDS)
Person: Academic
Sophie C. De Schaepdrijver
- History - Helen P. and Walter L. Ferree Professorship in History
Person: Academic
Michele Theresa Diaz, PhD
- Psychology - Professor
- Applied Linguistics - Professor
- Penn State Neuroscience Institute
- Social, Life, and Engineering Sciences Imaging Center - Director
Person: Academic
Kristina Douglass
- Anthropology - Assistant Professor
- Institute of Energy and the Environment (IEE)
Person: Academic
Paola Eulalia Dussias
- Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese - Department Head and Distinguished Professor
Person: Academic
Caroline Davis Eckhardt
- Comparative Literature - Mary Jean and Frank P. Smeal Chair in Literary Theory and Comparative Criticism and Professor
Person: Academic
J. Marlena Edwards
- African American Studies - Assistant Professor
- History - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Daniel Keith Falk
- Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies - Professor and Chaiken Family Chair in Jewish Studies
Person: Academic
Sarah Anne Font
- Sociology and Criminology - Associate Professor
- Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
- Child Maltreatment Solutions Network
Person: Academic
Pier Gabrielle Foreman
- English - MacArthur Fellow and Paterno Family Professor of American Literature and Professor of African American Studies and History
Person: Academic
Samuel Mark Frederick
- German and Slavic Languages and Literatures - Professor of German
Person: Academic
Sagan Friant
- Anthropology - Assistant Professor
- Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
- Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics
Person: Academic
Michelle Lynn Frisco, PhD
Person: Academic
Rick Owen Gilmore
Person: Academic
Jennifer Elyse Glick
- Sociology and Criminology - Arnold S. and Bette G. Hoffman Professor
- Population Research Institute - Director
Person: Academic
Daniel Jose Grodzicki
- Economics - Assistant Professor and Strumpf Early Career Professor
Person: Academic
Peter K. Hatemi
- Political Science - Distinguished Professor
- Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
Person: Academic
Burleigh Hendrickson
- French and Francophone Studies - Associate Professor in French and Francophone Studies
Person: Academic
Frank Gerard Hillary, PhD
- Psychology - Professor
- Department of Neurology - Associate Professor
- Penn State Neuroscience Institute
Person: Academic
Cynthia L. Huang-Pollock
Person: Academic
Carter A. Hunt
- Anthropology - Associate Professor
- Recreation, Park and Tourism Management - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Linda Istanbulli
- Comparative Literature - Assistant Professor in Comparative Literature
Person: Academic
Emmanuel Bruno Jean-Francois
- French and Francophone Studies - Associate Professor and Freed Early Career Professorship
Person: Academic
Rosemary Jane Jolly
- Comparative Literature - Professor and Josephine Berry Weiss Chair of the Humanities
Person: Academic
Kobi Kabalek
- German and Slavic Languages and Literatures - Assistant Professor in Holocaust Studies and Visual Studies
Person: Academic
Derek Allen Kreager
- Sociology and Criminology - Professor
- Social Science Research Institute (SSRI)
- Criminal Justice Research Center - Director
Person: Academic
Simon Lacey, PhD
- Department of Neurology - Assistant Professor
- Department of Neural and Behavioral Sciences - Assistant Professor
- Psychology - Assistant Professor
- Penn State Neuroscience Institute
Person: Academic
Yuliya Ladygina
- German and Slavic Languages and Literatures - Associate Professor of Russian and Global Studies
Person: Academic
Clarence Lang
- College of the Liberal Arts - Susan Welch Dean of the College of the Liberal Arts
- African American Studies - Professor
Person: Academic
Michael Chris Legaspi
- Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Studies - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Lynn Susan Liben
- Psychology - Evan Pugh University Professor, McCourtney Professor of Child Studies, and Professor
Person: Academic
Erika Sell Lunkenheimer
Person: Academic
Erina Lynne Macgeorge
Person: Academic
Jonathan Harold Marks, MA, BCL
- Philosophy - Professor
- Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - Professor
- Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
Person: Academic
Maha Marouan
- African American Studies - Associate Professor
- Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Bryan Lee McDonald
- History - Sherwin Early Career Professorship and Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Kevin McManus
- Applied Linguistics - Gilbert R. Watz Early Career Professorship in Language and Linguistics and Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Michele Mekel, JD, MHA, MBA
- College of the Liberal Arts - Assistant Teaching Professor of Bioethics
- Rock Ethics Institute - Assistant Teaching Professor of Bioethics
Person: Academic