6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Moriah Louise Szpara, PhD with the persons below:
Gloria Komazin-Meredith
- Biochemistry & Molecular Biology - Associate Research Professor
Person: Academic
Andrew Fraser Read, PhD
- Office of the Senior Vice President for Research - Senior Vice President for Research
- Biology - Evan Pugh Professor and Eberly Professor of Biotechnology
- Entomology - Evan Pugh Professor and Eberly Professor of Biotechnology
- Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences - Director
- Penn State Cancer Institute
- One Health Microbiome Center
Person: Academic
David A. Kennedy
- Biology - Assistant Professor
- Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
- Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics
Person: Academic
Troy Sutton
- Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences - Associate Professor
- Huck Institutes of the Life Sciences
- Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics
Person: Academic