Yuval Silberman, PhD
- Penn State College of Medicine - Associate Dean for Interdisciplinary Research
- Department of Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics - Associate Professor
- Penn State Neuroscience Institute
- Center for Cannabis and Natural Product Pharmaceuticals (CCNPP)
Person: Academic
Nicholas Graziane, PhD
- Department of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine - Assistant Professor
- Department of Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics - Assistant Professor
- Center for Cannabis and Natural Product Pharmaceuticals (CCNPP)
Person: Academic
John D. Salamone
- Department of Psychology
- University of Connecticut
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Psychology
External person
Joyce Besheer
- Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
- Department of Psychiatry
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Neurobiology Curriculum
- Curriculum in Neurobiology
- Department of Psychiatry
External person
Mercè Correa
- Jaume I University
- University of Connecticut
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Psychology
External person
Eric J. Nunes
- University of Connecticut
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Psychology
External person
Anel A. Jaramillo
- Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Neurobiology Curriculum
- Curriculum in Neurobiology
External person
Lyndsey E. Collins-Praino
- Columbia University
- Department of Psychology
- University of Connecticut
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Psychology
External person
Christie A. Lee
- University of Connecticut
- Department of Psychology
- Department of Chemistry
- North Carolina State University
External person
Samantha J. Podurgiel
- Department of Psychology
- University of Connecticut
- Department of Psychology
External person
Suzanne Frisbee
- Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
External person
K. N. Segovia
- Department of Psychology
- University of Connecticut
- Department of Psychology
External person
Kalynn Van Voorhies
- Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
External person
J. L. Santerre
- Department of Psychology
- University of Connecticut
- Department of Psychology
External person
Brayden Fortino
- Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
External person
Fulton T. Crews
- Laboratory of Hepatobiology and Toxicology
- Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
- Department of Psychiatry
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
External person
Ryan P. Vetreno
- Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
External person
Andrew M. Farrar
- Department of Psychology
- Rutgers - The State University of New Jersey, Newark
- University of Connecticut
- Center for Molecular and Behavioral Neuroscience
External person
Thomas Kash
- Vanderbilt University
- Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics
- Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, Center for Human Genetics Research
- Laboratory of Hepatobiology and Toxicology
- Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Departments of Pharmacology
- Department of Pharmacology and Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
- The Center for Alcohol Studies
External person
Angela E. Snyder
- Pennsylvania State University
- Department of Neural and Behavioral Sciences
External person
Zoe A. McElligott
- Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Department of Psychiatry
- Laboratory of Hepatobiology and Toxicology
- Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
External person
Sarah S. Bingaman
- Pennsylvania State University
- Department of Neural and Behavioral Sciences
External person
Caitlin R. Coker
- Pennsylvania State University
- Graduate Program in Anatomy
- Department of Neural and Behavioral Sciences
- Georgetown University
External person
Reginald Cannady
- Neurobiology Curriculum
- Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
External person
Robert T. Stewart
- Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
External person
Kristen R. Fisher
- Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
External person
Viren H. Makhijani
- Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
External person
Spencer Stewart
- Bowles Center for Alcohol Studies
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
External person