12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Penelope Kay Morrison with the persons below:
Brandy Henry
- Educational Psychology, Counseling, and Special Education - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Melanie Dyan Hetzel-Riggin
- School of Humanities & Social Sciences (Behrend) - Professor
Person: Academic
Abenaa Jones
- Human Development and Family Studies - Assistant Professor in Human Development & Family Studies (College of Health and Human Development)
Person: Academic
Stephanie Trea Lanza, PhD
- Biobehavioral Health - Professor
- Penn State Cancer Institute
- Consortium to Combat Substance Abuse - Interim Director
- Edna Bennett Pierce Prevention Research Center (PRC) - Director and C. Eugene Bennett Chair in Prevention Research
- Cancer Institute, Cancer Control
Person: Academic
Kimberly Sue Menard
Person: Academic
Michael A. Russell
- Biobehavioral Health - Associate Professor
- Penn State Cancer Institute
- Cancer Institute, Cancer Control
Person: Academic
Sheryl Ryan, MD
- Department of Pediatrics - Professor
- Division of Adolescent Medicine - Chief
Person: Academic