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Exponential Speedups and Limitations of Quantum Computation
Hallgren, S. (PI)
9/1/18 → …
Project: Research project
NSF Convergence Accelerator - Track C: SQAI: Scalable Quantum Artificial Intelligence for Discovery
Samarth, N. (CoPI), Ghosh, S. (PI), Hallgren, S. (CoPI) & Kandemir, M. (CoPI)
9/15/20 → 5/31/23
Project: Research project
SaTC: CORE: Small: Classical and quantum algorithms for number-theoretic problems arising in cryptography
Eisentraeger, A. K. (PI) & Hallgren, S. (CoPI)
5/1/20 → 4/30/23
Project: Research project
TWC: Small: Algorithms for Number-Theoretic Problems Arising in Cryptography
Eisentraeger, A. K. (PI) & Hallgren, S. (CoPI)
8/1/16 → 7/31/20
Project: Research project
AF: Small: Quantum Algorithms and Complexity
Hallgren, S. (PI)
7/1/16 → 6/30/20
Project: Research project
AF: Small: The Quantum Complexity of Physical and Algebraic Problems
Hallgren, S. (PI)
8/1/12 → 7/31/16
Project: Research project
CAREER: Quantum Algorithms and Classical Cryptography
Hallgren, S. (PI)
8/1/08 → 7/31/14
Project: Research project