A Multi-Function Tribometer for Essential Research and Graduate Education on Materials, Wear, Corrosion, and Protective Coatings

Project: Research project

Project Details


Airframe Structures and Materials 35 [Nickerson, Bill] Project Summary/Abstract The Tribology laboratory operated by Engineering Science and Mechanics and the Applied Research Laboratory at Penn State has a long history of serving ONR needs, especially in the areas of wear, corrosion, and erosion, along with coatings, surface protection, and repair. Over the years, this research has involved various components critical to ONR including the jet catapult and arresting gear systems, fretting of Ti dovetails in the F404 engine, hovering and depth control valves for submarines, as well as the development of previously unobtainable self-lubricating and/or micro-porous coatings via Cold-Spray. One common thread that binds past, present, and promising future research is the need for precise and relevant testing for the evaluation of materials and coatings under severe and corrosive conditions; relevant is emphasized since it is essential to understanding and ultimately improving the performance of materials and coatings while in service. It is therefore essential that evaluations of candidate materials and protective coatings be subjected to the same loads, environments, temperatures, complex relative motion, displacement scales, and/or wear modes experienced by the component under scrutiny. In order to facilitate this important research and augment ongoing and future studies, funding for a Bruker UMT-Tribolab is requested; the equipment will have the capability to precisely investigate complex damage and wear modes involving potential combinations of sliding, reciprocating, and/or fretting motion under a wide range of environments and temperatures, as well as load and motion scales. Clearly, this versatile and essential equipment will have a significant and positive impact on both the research and educational infrastructure of Penn State that has served ONR for many years. Moreover, it will avoid costly design and construction of new equipment and allow for a more rapid response to tribological, corrosion, materials, and/or surface protection research issues as they arise. This abstract is publically releasable.

Effective start/end date1/1/17 → …


  • U.S. Navy: $257,730.00


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