Advanced Methods for the Statistical Analysis of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Data

Project: Research project

Project Details


Eddy, Genovese, & Lazar 9705034 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is a powerful new tool for understanding the brain. With fMRI, it is possible to study the human brain in action and trace its processing in unprecedented detail. During an fMRI experiment, a subject performs a carefully planned sequence of cognitive tasks while magnetic resonance images of the brain are acquired. The tasks are designed to exercise specific cognitive processes and the measured signal contains information about the nature and location of the resulting neural activity. Neuroscientists use these data to help identify the neural processes underlying cognition and to build and test theoretical models of cognitive function. This is inherently a problem of statistical inference, yet the statistical methods for fMRI are still undeveloped. In this project, the statistical methodology for these large and complex data sets is advanced on three fronts: dealing with model response variation, developing better registration and acquisition methods, and analyzing spatial activation patterns. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) is a new tool that is currently being used to study the brain and the way it functions. Very large amounts of data, with considerable noise, are collected on neural activity while specific cognitive tasks are being performed. In this way, cognitive scientists hope to understand the processes underlying the way humans think. Statistical inference is a natural way of approaching this question. However, the complex nature of the data means that standard methods are not applicable and the methodologies used in fMRI for data analysis are still relatively undeveloped. The current project advances the statistical methodology for fMRI data by working in three directions. Brain response to a given task varies not only by location, but also in different replications of the same experiment. This source of variability is not taken into account by the models now in use. The first direction of the project incorporates this source of variation, resulting in more precise inferences. Subject motion during fMRI scanning is the focus of the second direction, while the third direction involves quantifying how spatial patterns of activation change over time. This allows the comparison of different individuals and groups.

Effective start/end date8/15/977/31/00


  • National Science Foundation: $300,000.00


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