An Algebraic Approach to Supersymmetric Field Theories and M/Superstring Theory

Project: Research project

Project Details


Research in theoretical elementary particle physics will focus on

M/Superstring Theory and related supergravity theories. The M/Superstring

Theory provides us with the only known consistent framework for

reconciling quantum mechanics with Einstein's theory of gravity and is a

very important, promising candidate for a successful unified theory of all

the forces of nature.The underlying fundamental symmetries of

M/Superstring Theory will be investigated and these symmetries will be

used to study the consequences of the theory such as the elementary

particles that the theory predicts. Mathematical techniques that are

essential for carrying out this program will be developed further. At

certain low energy regimes, M/Superstring Theory can be effectively

described by 'supergravity' theories, which will also be studied.

Effective start/end date8/15/017/31/03


  • National Science Foundation: $66,000.00


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