Atomic-scale Friction Research and Education Synergy Hub (AFRESH)

Project: Research project

Project Details



Proposal Number: CBET-0742580

Principal Investigator: Sinnott, Susan

Affiliation: University of Florida

Proposal Title: Atomic-scale Friction Research and Education Synergy Hub (AFRESH)

Friction is a critical component of everyday life. Numerous applications require some friction to function effectively, such as car brakes and tires, while for other applications minimal friction is necessary to prevent the untimely wear of parts and the inefficient dissipation of energy, which is the case for the movement of pistons in car engines. It has been established that optimization of friction performance across systems first requires a thorough atomic-scale understanding, as all sliding surfaces ultimately interact via small surface areas. However, there is still much about atomic-scale friction, and the laws that govern it, that remain unknown.

This engineering virtual organization will provide a vehicle for the atomic-scale friction community to come together to (i) share data, (ii) develop, disseminate and encourage the adoption of standards for the performance and analysis of both experiments and simulation, (iii) enhance and share computational and theoretical tools, and (iv) develop powerful teaching tools and related materials. It will also train graduate students in a multi-disciplinary environment, support forums for professional networking, build a diverse atomic-scale friction community, and facilitate outreach to other scientific communities and cyberinfrastructures.

Effective start/end date9/15/078/31/10


  • National Science Foundation: $203,000.00


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