Chemical Synthesis of Organic Solids

  • Feldman, Ken S. (PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


9321787 One focus of this research is the preparation of high carbon content, dense, refractory materials via thermal curing of three dimensional oligomeric matrices derived from polymerization of tetraethynylmethane. A second focus is the assembly of periodic, covalently linked two and three dimensional carbon networks with high strength to weight ratio which could be used as 'organic zeolites.' %%% With this award, the Synthetic Organic Program is supporting the research of Dr. Ken S. Feldman of the Department of Chemistry at Pennsylvania State University. Professor Feldman will focus his work on the synthesis of organic solid materials whose desirable bulk properties can be related to the composition of the component molecules. ***

Effective start/end date5/1/944/30/98


  • National Science Foundation: $274,100.00


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