Project Details
There is a strong need to develop the knowledge base that will enable the rational design of improved crop species. Towards this objective, the 2019 Plant Cell Dynamics meeting, which will be held from June 18th - 21st at the Pennsylvania State University, provides a forum for the North American plant cell biology community to come together to develop a better understanding of plant cell organelle and cell dynamics. It will also provide the opportunity for plant cell biologists to develop collaborative efforts, build a larger, stronger community and exchange knowledge in the pursuit of quantitative, theory driven cell biology. One of the meeting major goals is to understand how plant cells integrate metabolism, cytoskeletal organization, and vesicle trafficking during growth and in response to environmental challenges. By encouraging and supporting attendance of trainees from underrepresented groups, the conference will broaden participation in this developing field, which employs techniques of quantitative, predictive, and theory-driven biology, and encourages multidisciplinary approaches. By encouraging and supporting attendance of trainees from underrepresented groups, the conference will broaden participation in this developing field.
The conference will include keynote talks from experts in the field of plant cell biology as well as workshops on organelle tracking, scientific reproducibility and career development. There will be opportunities for oral and poster presentations by trainees as well as participation in the workshops.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 5/1/19 → 4/30/20 |
- National Science Foundation: $12,000.00