Project Details
This award supports the conference “The Legacy of Ramanujan”, to be held at The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, June 6–9, 2024. Ramanujan’s remarkable discoveries made a powerful impact on various branches of mathematics in the 20th century, and the broad scope of his pioneering work is represented in the wide range of topics that will be discussed. This conference aims to highlight recent discoveries and open problems from number theory to combinatorics, special functions, symbolic computations, and other related areas focusing on the topics influenced by the mathematics of Ramanujan. In addition, the conference will honor the work of George Andrews and Bruce Berndt, who have both done much to honor, advertise, and explain the work of Ramanujan. The broader impacts of this conference include: disseminating new achievements, research trends, and problems in this area, encouraging significant collaboration among mathematicians, and providing early-career mathematicians, including graduate students, with an opportunity to present their research.The conference will host between 125 and 150 participants, and will feature thirteen invited plenary 50-minute talks and about twenty five 20-minute talks covering topics such as: Mock theta functions, partition theory and q-series, and Rogers-Ramanujan identities. There will be two poster-sessions presented by early-career researchers, including graduate students. After the conference, refereed proceedings papers will be disseminated through special issues of the Ramanujan Journal. More details can be found on the conference web-page: award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 6/1/24 → 5/31/25 |
- National Science Foundation: $34,955.00
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