Project Details
Project Summary/Abstract
Although infant sleep regulation across the first year proceeds well for many infants, for many infants that is not
the case, and estimates of sleep problems among infants and preschoolers range between 25%-33%.
Dysregulated infant sleep is predictive of poor parent sleep, and chronic sleep disruption can place families in
turmoil, with consequences for the marital and coparenting relationship. Further, mothers reporting early
coparenting distress are at risk for personal distress and poor bedtime and nighttime parenting, which in turn
predicts infant sleep problems and insecure infant attachment. This application proposes a randomized clinical
trial (RCT) to evaluate the effects of a sleep-enhanced adaptation of an evidence-based transition-to-parenting
coparenting intervention program [Family Foundations - FF). The rationale for this study is twofold. First,
recent findings from the PI's Project SIESTA (R01HD052809) indicate that poor coparenting at one month
post-partum predicts persistent infant-parent co-sleeping across the first year, elevated maternal depressive
symptoms, emotionally unavailable bedtime parenting, and insecure infant-mother attachments. Second,
whereas FF as originally developed has been successful in improving coparenting, marital adjustment, and
overall parenting quality, it gives little specific attention to coparenting in infant sleep contexts, which SIESTA
findings identify as critically important to parent and infant outcomes later in the first year. The proposed 3-arm
RCT responds to these concerns. In one arm, families will experience FF as originally formulated; in the
second, families will receive an adapted FF that emphasizes coparenting in infant sleep contexts; the third arm
will serve as controls. Assessments of coparenting and parenting in infant sleep contexts, parental adjustment
to infant sleep behavior, choices about sleep arrangements, infant and parent sleep quality, and infant socio-
emotional functioning, will serve as outcomes. Our central hypotheses are: (1) Compared to controls, parents
in both FF groups will report improved overall coparenting and reduced overall distress, but parents in the
adapted FF group will show greater improvements in coparenting and individual parenting in infant sleep
contexts, better infant and parent sleep, and better child adjustment; (2) early coparenting around infant sleep
will be a central mechanism by which both interventions exert their effects. This research is foundational to a
broader understanding of coparenting processes that underlie successful family transitions and contributes to
the refinement of a successful coparenting program. Study results will be of immediate use to obstetric and
pediatric services interested in augmenting childbirth education material with information on coparenting
practices in infant sleep contexts.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 6/1/17 → 2/29/24 |
- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development: $592,126.00
- Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development: $511,315.00
- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development: $563,865.00
- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development: $603,837.00
- National Institute of Child Health and Human Development: $598,415.00
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