Project Details



Program: NSF 04-588 CISE Computing Research Infrastructure

Title: CRI: SEAT: Soft Error Analysis Toolset

Proposal: CNS-0454123

PI: Narayanan, Vijaykrishnan

Institution: Pennsylvania State Univ University Park


Researchers at The Pennsylvania State University will develop the Soft Error Analysis Toolset (SEAT) and accompanying datasets as a community resource. Soft Errors are unwanted state changes in integrated circuits due to radiation such as cosmic rays. The investigators will have access to the Breazeale TRIGA nuclear research reactor at Penn State to gather actual data on radiation effects on devices such as microprocessors and FPGA's. In addition to experimental data gathering, the project will develop a toolset to model effects and support design at various levels: circuit analysis, logic analysis, and architecture analysis. These tools will be used in new courses in reliable design at Penn State. The data, tools and courses will be made available to other universities.

Effective start/end date9/15/058/31/09


  • National Science Foundation: $433,122.00


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