Cyberinfrastructure for Accessible and Reproducible Research in Life Sciences

  • Nekrutenko, Anton (PI)
  • Taylor, James (CoPI)
  • Lazarus, R. (CoPI)
  • Pond, Sergei S.K. (CoPI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


Pennsylvania State University University Park is awarded a grant to extend an existing software system, Galaxy ( that integrates computational biology tools for experimental biologists to access sequence, polymorphism and functional datasets. Analytic functions to be enhanced include a set of tools allowing bench scientists to perform large-scale analyses with whole-genome multiple alignments without ever leaving their web browsers; an interactive statistical genetics tool kit for comprehensive analysis of data generated from high-throughput genotyping experiments; an evolutionary analysis toolset for detection of selection, recombination and other critical evolutionary parameters, that can be applied directly to existing sequence and alignment datasets; and novel approaches for improving reproducibility of research in life sciences by implementing simple yet powerful analysis workflows that can be constructed by example and explicitly. The project is a collaborative effort with Brigham and Women's Hospital, Emory University, and University of California, San Diego.

Galaxy bridges a critically important gap between computational tools and users, by making it trivial to modernize the interfaces of existing tools, freeing developers of new tools from the need to develop interfaces from scratch, and facilitating tool interoperability and complex analyses by seamlessly integrating diverse tools and databases. Galaxy has two thriving communities of users: those who use the public Galaxy instance to access a variety of tools and databases with nothing more than a web browser, and those who take advantage of Galaxy framework?s portability and minimal installation requirements to create their own Galaxy instances and provide easy access to locally developed tools and private data.

Effective start/end date8/1/0912/31/14


  • National Science Foundation: $1,342,193.00


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