Doctoral Consortium for ACM DIS 2006: Designing Interactive Systems

  • Rosson, Mary Beth (PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details




Mary Beth Rosson

PA St U University Park


The Doctoral Consortium at the ACM DIS Conference (the ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems) in University Park, Pennsylvania (June 25, 2006) will bring together ten dissertation-stage doctoral students researching design analysis, design representations, design methods, design rationale capture, presentation and use, innovation in design, and tools and environments for designing interactive systems for

two days of presentations and interactions with a panel of four faculty members. The students will come from both the US and abroad, and represent a variety of DIS subfields. The DIS Doctoral Consortium, which was held at previous DIS Conferences in 2002 and 2004, has been successful in providing a forum for the initial socialization into the field of young doctoral scholars. This project provides support for the registration, travel, and lodging of the students as well as the operational expenses of running the Doctoral Consortium at the DIS 2006 meeting.

Intellectual Merit:

The focus of the DIS Doctoral Consortium is the students doctoral dissertation research. Because the students are selected chiefly on grounds of research excellence, this research represents the state-of-the-art in research on designing interactive systems. The Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity both for these projects to be shaped and improved through intellectual exchange as well as for the students to present and communicate the character of their work to a key group of their peer professionals.

Broader Impact:

The DIS Doctoral Consortium brings together the best of the next generation of researchers in the design of interactive systems. This allows them to create a social network both among themselves and with several senior researchers, which plays a major role in their enculturation into the profession. This is particularly critical for PhD students in the DIS area, which is highly interdisciplinary. Because the students and faculty are a diverse group on several dimensions (scientific discipline, research specialization, academic background), the students horizons are broadened at a critical stage in their professional development.

Effective start/end date5/1/064/30/07


  • National Science Foundation: $7,750.00


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