EXP-SA: Detection of Explosives using HTS Enhanced Quadrupole Resonance

    Project: Research project

    Project Details




    The objective of this work is to enhance the performance of quadrupole resonance (QR) detection systems that use thin-film high-temperature superconducting (HTS) resonators. QR systems detect and discriminate specific nitrogen compounds using a search coil similar to those found in metal detectors.

    Intellectual Merit:

    The proposed project builds upon a significant research effort sponsored by DuPont to develop HTS QR probes. It is anticipated that the next generation of commercial QR explosive detection systems will employ HTS QR probes in lieu of normal metal coils to enhance detection performance. The proposed research has applications beyond explosives detection as QR spectroscopy is an emerging technology for the non-destruction evaluation (NDE) of materials and the characterization of the structure and biological activity of pharmaceuticals. Experience gained in the utilization of thin-film HTS probes in QR spectroscopy is also expected to guide the development of HTS probes for nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The PI has an initiated a research project with a bioengineering faculty member with expertise in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to investigate the potential for a QR medical imaging system.

    Broader Impacts:

    The PI is an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Bioengineering at the University Park Campus of Penn State, and has developed undergraduate and graduate courses in magnetic resonance engineering that are cross listed between the electrical engineering and bioengineering programs.

    Effective start/end date9/1/078/31/11


    • National Science Foundation: $399,877.00


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