Project Details
Impact of Nitrogen on Pitting and Crevice Corrosion Mechanisms in Additively Manufactured Austenitic Stainless Steels.Additive manufacturing (AM) encompasses a range of production processes in which complex three-dimensional components are fabricated in a layer-'by-layer manner directly from a digital model. The significant interest in AM, particularly in the Naval community, has been driven'' by its inherent design flexibility and ability to produce variable, low-volume parts on demand. In particular, the AM process can p'rovide a means for rapidly producing replacement parts for inservice assets where availability of such parts can be a significant problem. Additive manufacturing also has the potential to create new alloys and composites that were not previously possible with conventional processing methods. The differences in processingbetween conventional and AM parts lead to differences in the microstructure and morphology ofthe material produced. These differences can play a significant role in the corrosion behavior ofa range of co'rrosion-resistant alloys, such as austenitic grade stainless steels. A fundamentalunderstanding of the differences between the corr'osion behavior of AM and wrought 316L stainless steel (especially their localized corrosion behavior) is needed in order to pursue successful use of AM 316L components in Naval marine environments. The goal of the proposed one year ONR Science & Technology effort is to obtain pitting and crevice corrosiondata on 316L AM alloys (produced primarily through powder bed fusion AM processes) and usethis data to elucidate mechanistic information about these localized corrosion processes that willallow the development of better AM alloys. The effort will also include a comparison between wrought 316L stainless steel and AM 316L that contains nitrogen concentrations ranging over approximately one order of magnitude (around 0.01 wt% N for the argon atomized 316L powder to around 0.09 wt% N for the nitrogen atomized powder) to see if the versatility of AM can beexploited to enhance the localized corrosion resistance of 316L stainless steel.
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 8/1/17 → … |
- U.S. Navy: $109,767.00