Interdisciplinary Research Leaders Cohort Three - 2018: Health care delivery in rural America, West Virginia

  • Anderson, Sara S. (PI)
  • Caseman, Kelli K. K.K. (CoPI)
  • Haeder, Simon F. S.F. (CoPI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


The Foundation's Change Leadership Program was designed to support the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Leadership for Better Health's four national program centers, the cross-program Fall Leadership Institute, and the RWJF Coordinating Center for the change leadership programs authorization.Further, the Foundation's Interdisciplinary Research Leaders program seeks teams of researchers and community members who are committed to working together to produce community-relevant, action-oriented research to improve health and well-being.This grant supports one team's participation in the RWJF Interdisciplinary Research Leaders program. The team, comprising two midcareer researchers and one community leader, will have the opportunity for leadership training; exploration of methods for conducting cutting-edge research; receiving mentoring; and networking, all to better effect change and become part of the next generation of leadership in population health and health equity research. During the program, RWJF expects each team member to spend approximately one day per week on program-related activities, which will include, but will not be limited to, participating in training, attending meetings, working with a mentor, performing research, and networking. We expect the grantee institution to maintain the same team members during the grant period. In the event a team member cannot remain for the full grant period, the grantee will notify the Foundation and national program center for a solution. The team will practice its research-leadership skills by completing a research project (from development through dissemination) as part of this grant. Funds for the research project will not be released to the grantee by the Foundation until the Foundation has received and approved a full research proposal. This research project will identify the benefits, successes, and challenges of school-based health centers in rural, isolated communities in West Virginia.
Effective start/end date9/15/1812/31/21


  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation: $350,000.00


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