I/UCRC CGI: Center for Computational Materials Design (CCMD), Phase II

  • Liu, Zi-kui (PI)
  • Du, Qiang Q. (CoPI)
  • Chen, Long-qing L.-Q. (CoPI)
  • Raghavan, Padma (CoPI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


Center for Computational Materials Design (CCMD)

IIP-1034965 Pennsylvania State University (PSU)

IIP-1034968 Georgia Tech (GT)

This is a proposal to renew the Center for Computational Materials Design (CCMD), an I/UCRC center that was created in 2005. The lead institution is Pennsylvania State University, and the research partner is Georgia Tech. The main research mission of the CCMD is to develop simulation tools and methods to support materials design decisions and novel methods for collaborative, decision-based systems robust design of materials.

The intellectual merit of CCMD is based on the integration of multiscale, interdisciplinary computational expertise at PSU and GT. CCMD provides leadership in articulating the importance of integrated design of materials and products to industry and the broad profession of materials engineering; and is developing new methods and algorithms for concurrent design of components and materials.

CCMD has operated successfully in Phase I, and has helped develop a partnership amongst academe, industry and national laboratories. Based on feedback received from the various members, CCMD has outlined in the renewal proposal research thrusts and initiatives for Phase II; and has also identified gaps that will be addressed as research opportunities in Phase II.

CCMD will have a large impact on how industry addresses material selection and development. The expanded university/industry interaction of this multi-university center offers all participants a broader view of material design activities in all sectors. CCMD contributes to US competitiveness in computational materials design by educating new generations of students who have valuable perspectives on fundamental modeling and simulation methods, as well as industry-relevant design integration and materials development. CCMD participates in programs at PSU and GT that support K-12 STEM issues, women and underrepresented groups, undergraduate students, and high school teachers. CCMD plans to disseminate research results via papers, conferences and the CCMD website.

Effective start/end date7/15/106/30/13


  • National Science Foundation: $160,973.00


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