Long-term Observations of the Arctic Upper Atmosphere Using the Kodiak, Alaska SuperDARN Radar: Environmental

Project: Research project

Project Details




The principal investigator is seeking funds to support the long-term operation of new radar called the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN). SuperDARN is a network of (high frequency) HF Doppler radar located in the high latitude regions of the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The radar is sensitive to backscatter from ionspheric electric fields that produce this drift. SuperDARN is the only currently available experimental technique capable of providing continuous, large scale, direct observations of the high-latitude electric field. This field is of interest because of its role in the transfer of energy and momentum from the Earth's magnetosphere to the upper atmosphere. The electric field is a consequence of the interaction between the solar wind and the magnetosphere and many plasma processes occurring within the magnetosphere. Knowledge of its global structure and dynamics are fundamental to understanding large-scale plasma processes in the near Earth space environment, and in deter mining the importance of electrodynamics energy input to the high-latitude regions of the Earth's upper atmosphere.

The Kodiak SuperDARN radar is a new facility that was constructed under a grant from the National Science Foundation's Office of Polar Programs. It will act as an integral part of the SuperDARN radar network and will address the goals of U.S. Arctic research in the high-latitude upper atmosphere and near-Earth space.

A construction of the Kodiak SuperDARN radar nears completion, it is important that a base of support be established for its operation. This project demonstrates the importance of the measurements that this new facility will provide and the vitality of the research community that has been built up around the SuperDARN network. Operations of the Kodiak radar will enhance the already significant contributions of SuperDARN to arctic research.

Effective start/end date4/15/003/31/06


  • National Science Foundation: $749,248.00


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