Mathematical Biosciences Institute

  • Friedman, Avner (PI)
  • Wolfe, Douglas D. (CoPI)
  • Terman, David D. (CoPI)
  • March, Peter P. (CoPI)
  • Pearl, Dennis Keith (CoPI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


The Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI) at Ohio State University

will be a base for interdisciplinary work by mathematical scientists

and biological scientists on a broad range of biological problems.

The mission of the MBI is (i) to develop mathematical theories,

statistical methods, and computational algorithms for the solution of

fundamental problems in the biosciences; (ii) to involve mathematical

scientists and bioscientists in the solution of these problems; and

(iii) to nurture a community of scholars through education and support

of students and researchers in the mathematical biosciences. To

promote its mission and overall goals, the MBI will build upon

existing research efforts in the mathematical biosciences and will

encourage human research development and intellectual growth.

The MBI will establish emphasis year programs, current topic

workshops, educational problems, and research projects.

Participants in MBI programs will be recruited nationally from

the disciplines of the biosciences, mathematics, and

statistics, and will include senior researchers, postdoctoral

fellows, and graduate students. To increase the impact and

cohesion of the program, there will be efforts each year to

connect to and build upon progress achieved in the preceding

years. The MBI will hold special workshops on current topics in

the biosciences that offer opportunities for mathematical

involvement. The Institute will also conduct summer educational

programs in the mathematical biosciences for college instructors,

students, and high school teachers.

Effective start/end date7/1/026/30/08


  • National Science Foundation: $10,000,001.00


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