Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere at Arecibo

Project: Research project

Project Details


The PIs will continue comprehensive studies of mesosphere and lower thermosphere aeronomy. This program will utilize Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) data and optical facilities of Arecibo Observatory, a sodium/iron resonance lidar at Arecibo on a campaign basis, and data analysis coupled with modeling/theoretical studies conducted at Penn State. The renewal grant will cover: (1) continued ISR/lidar observational and modeling investigations of the relationship (or 'coupling') between small-scale neutral atmosphere structure, acoustic-gravity waves, tides and the presence of sporadic metal and ion layers; (2) temperature dependent chemistry; (3) the origin of the 6-hour tide; (4) the complex of newly observed short-period waves and ion layers in the 100-250km region; (5) the origin of the (sometimes complex) ion layer structures in the 90-100km region and their relationship to sporadic metal layers; and (6) apparent 'convective' processes as observed in the sodium and ion layers as well as in the 'background' ionosphere.***

Effective start/end date9/1/958/31/98


  • National Science Foundation: $385,000.00


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