Nano-Photonics Laboratory

  • Fontecchio, Adam (PI)
  • Fromm, Eli E. (CoPI)
  • Li, Christopher C. (CoPI)
  • Kurzweg, Timothy (CoPI)
  • Schauer, C. L. (CoPI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


As nanotechnology grows it is imperative for developing engineers/scientists to receive an education that includes cutting-edge interdisciplinary topics, including advanced topics and concepts. This project is addressing these goals by developing an interdisciplinary Nanophotonics hands-on laboratory course (with embedded introductory lectures) at the upper-class undergraduate level. The project introduces the concepts of nanophotonics with an inter-disciplinary team of faculty from the College of Engineering by developing and co-teaching a sequence of junior level courses which tie into the College of Engineering's research-based Senior Design Projects. With the addition of this program, upper-level undergraduates who are excited by the introduction to nanotechnology at the freshman and sophomore levels now have an opportunity to experience nanotechnology in a hands-on laboratory experience. This project creates a continuum of nanotechnology educational opportunities from the freshman year through the Senior Capstone experience.

Effective start/end date1/1/1012/31/12


  • National Science Foundation: $175,000.00


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