Pennsylvania State University’s faculty development grant for multiscale materials modeling and experimentation

  • Thole, Karen Ann (PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


Nuclear energy continues to be a clean, safe, reliable and cost effective source of electricity, which should be increasingly relied upon to fulfill the country’s energy needs, while reducing greenhouse emissions1. Materials behavior under extreme conditions of dose and temperature is in many cases the limiting factor in reactor operation and new reactor design. To effectively understand and predict the behavior of materials in nuclear power reactors it is necessary to understand and appropriately model the multiple temporal and spatial scales of these phenomena. This proposal aims to hire a faculty member who will work in this very important area of nuclear power. The Nuclear Engineering Program at Penn State is an independent academic program offering the full range of degrees including Bachelors of Science, Masters of Science, Masters of Engineering, and Doctor of Philosophy. The Pennsylvania State University is committed to having a prominent Nuclear Engineering Program with a strong nuclear power component, through strong support from the Department, the College of Engineering and the Provost Office. This proposal seeks start-up funds for a new, junior level, tenure-track faculty member in the Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering (MNE) with expertise in the field of multiscale materials modeling and experimentation relevant to understanding the behavior of materials in a nuclear reactor. The proposal is timely to fulfill the country’s current research needs and well suited to the existing capabilities at Penn State which will help and complement the new faculty member’s research and professional development. The support from the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), partially matched by Penn State, will provide the funds to assist the new faculty member in having a productive career at Penn State.

Effective start/end date1/1/18 → …


  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission: $450,000.00


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