Poly-omic predictors of symptom duration and recovery for adolescent concussion

Project: Research project

Project Details


PROJECT SUMMARY There are nearly three million mild traumatic brain injuries (mTBIs) in the U.S. each year, and most occur in patients less than 21 years of age. Clinical assessment of mTBI relies on symptom surveys that cannot accurately predict the duration of symptoms or objectively identify brain recovery. A biologic test would allow physicians to provide individualized recommendations for school and athletics participation, prescribe timely pharmacologic treatments, or initiate early psychosocial services in patients at risk for persistent post- concussion symptoms (PPCS). Non-coding ribonucleic acids (ncRNAs), such as microRNAs, are epi- transcriptional molecules that are altered in patients with mTBI. They can be measured in peripheral biofluids such as serum, or even saliva. Our previous research demonstrates that ncRNA changes in cerebrospinal fluid are reflected in saliva, and that saliva ncRNA levels can predict PPCS. Validation of these findings in a large, independent cohort could yield a biologic measure of PPCS risk (Aim 1), and guide individualized clinical management decisions (Aim 2). This scientific premise forms the basis for our proposed multi-center study. We will enroll 750 adolescents (ages 13-18 years) with mTBI, defined by the World Health Organization and Berlin Consensus Criteria. We will measure levels of saliva ncRNAs enriched in neuronal and glial exosomes at acute (
Effective start/end date1/1/2012/31/24


  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: $631,685.00


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