Project Details
This grant supports substantial participation and leadership by this group in the Brookhaven AGS experiment E850 (Color Transparency). It also supports participation in the polarized proton experiments within the STAR collaboration at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider. E850 will study the quantum fluctuations of the strongly interacting nucleon state with measurements of high momentum transfer quasi- elastic scattering in nuclei at beam energies from 6 to 20 GeV and with a variety of nuclear targets. Selecting events with hard hadron-nucleon primary interactions, measurements of Color Transparency will characterize the dependence of secondary nuclear interactions upon energy and scattering angle. This experiment also provides unique measurements of the light cone nucleon distributions in nuclei. In parallel, data suggesting evidence for observable short range nucleon- nucleon correlation in (p,2p+n) measurements will be collected and analyzed.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/15/98 → 6/30/02 |
- National Science Foundation: $488,000.00