Project Details
Rapid deposition of marine-grade protective coatings, enabled by photo-thermalcuring Paints and coatings act as the first line of d,efense for protecting and preserving naval vessels, vehicles, and any other surfaces subjected to undersea conditions. Seawater is c,orrosive and degrades surface coatings, which subsequently require frequent maintenance and refurbishment. Due to long cure times of, these coatings, repair often cannot be done in theater, severely reducing the time vehicle or ships operational endurance. Additio,nally, seawater contains creatures and organisms, such as barnacles and algae that produce biological fouling to external surfaces., --Due to their toxicity, copper and tin-based antifouling coatings have been banned or have highly restricted use cases, requiring, replacement of these components with environmentally friendly agents. Improving the durability, longevity, and antifouling capabili,ties of surface coatings continues to be a critical research area supporting the United States Navy (USN). An important component of, this research is to produce quick-curing, easily applied, and antifouling coatings that can reduce costs overall. The proposed team, consists of the laboratory mentor from ARL-PSU and the academic advisor from the Department of Chemistry at PSU. Distribution State,ment A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Status | Active |
Effective start/end date | 4/1/22 → … |
- U.S. Navy: $180,000.00