Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Physics - Focus on Minorities

  • Mueller, James J. (PI)
  • Thompson, Julia J.A. (CoPI)
  • Borguet, Eric E.U. (CoPI)
  • Onipede, Jr., Oladipo (CoPI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


A 10-week Research Experiences for Undergraduates Program will be held at the University of Pittsburgh. Approximately 10 students and 2 high school teachers will work with 10-12 faculty on physics-related research projects in fields including condensed matter, physical chemistry, mechanical and biomechanical engineering, magnetic resonance imaging, elementary particle physics (both high energy and medium energy), astrophysics, and physics education. A number of the projects have connections to biophysics. Students may be accepted as soon as after their freshman year in college, through the summer before their senior year. Information about projects, and other general information about the program, may be found at: Students may spend some time at projects off-site, and teachers, in particular, may work at the CosRayHS project at the Univ. of Mo. at St. Louis.

In addition to research activities in the lab, there are weekly reports and conferences with the director, midterm and final presentations, and a final paper. Every effort is made to support the students in attacking, intellectually rigorously, a small piece of a real research project. There are also informal workshops, an ethics forum, various informal social activities, and tutoring and mentoring activities, in which participants serve as role models and facilitators for younger students. Home institution advisors are invited to the midterm presentations, for better general feedback on the students and the program. Some of the most important contacts and feedback are among the students themselves.

Effective start/end date6/15/035/31/08


  • National Science Foundation: $338,655.00


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