REU Site: Chemical Research Addressing Energy and Environmental Challenges

Project: Research project

Project Details


This award from the Division of Chemistry a the National Science Foundation supports a Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) Site led by Professors Mary E. Williams and Landy K. Blasdel both of Pennsylvania State University. The Site will continue its highly successful program that focuses on chemical research that addresses energy and environmental challenges. Each year, the REU Site will introduce nine undergraduate students to a ten-week summer research experience. The goal is to inspire students to continue their scientific careers by providing an exciting and relevant chemical research experience with an outstanding group of research mentors and support structure. In this way the Site will attract and prepare a diversified pool of talented young researchers and future professionals.

REU students will gain experience in cutting-edge research using state of the art equipment at Pennsylvania State University. Graduate students and faculty will mentor the new young investigators. Prior to the REU summer program, mentors will be trained on how to effectively direct and advise the REU students. The broader impacts of the Penn State Chemistry REU site are to provide training and preparation to the future generation of researchers by educating a well-prepared, diverse, and scientifically literate workforce, and to contribute by advancing energy and environmental research.

Effective start/end date6/1/1311/30/16


  • National Science Foundation: $279,334.00


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