REU Site in Biomolecular Engineering

Project: Research project

Project Details


This award provides support for a three-year REU Site at the Pennsylvania State University, University Park campus. Twelve students will be recruited from throughout the U.S. for a ten-week summer experience in research related to biomolecular engineering. Students will have an opportunity to do research aimed at understanding the engineering challenges involved in the production, purification, and application of biological molecules. REU participants will work closely with faculty, graduate students, and post-docs on cutting-edge projects ranging from developing membrane systems for protein purification, to understanding intermolecular forces involved in bacterial adhesion, to developing nanoparticles for drug delivery, to optimizing directed evolution protocols for novel engineered proteins, to the synthesis of monoclonal antibodies in transgenic plants. The program will provide opportunities for student participants to learn how to effectively communicate their research results through a poster session held at the end of the summer. This program will provide a unique opportunity for undergraduate students to gain a broad exposure to the field of biomolecular engineering and will provide a unique opportunity for students majoring in fields such as biochemistry and molecular biology to gain an engineering perspective on this research field. It is anticipated that this program will have a Broader Impact on the nations need to increase the number of U.S. citizens and permanent residents engaged in research-related careers at U.S. universities, government agencies, and in private-sector organizations. It is also anticipated that this REU Site will have a Broader Impact on the nations need to have broader participation in the research enterprise of citizens and permanent residents from demographic groups traditionally underrepresented in science and engineering.

Effective start/end date6/1/045/31/08


  • National Science Foundation: $325,544.00


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