Project Details
9722799 Litvin This grant supports the research on the symmetry classification of domain structures. The PI is a co-author and a co-editor of the 'International Tables of Crystallography' and is currently working on non magnetic subperiodic and magnetic space groups and subperiodic groups. This work is carried out with active participation of the undergraduate students at a predominantly undergraduate institution-Penn State, Berks Campus. The work on crystallographic tables is a service to the community of enormous importance. The PI's research is expected to enhance our understanding of symmetry properties of crystal growth and also of magnetic domain walls. %%% This PI from a predominantly undergraduate institution (Penn State/Berks) is a co author and co-editor of the 'International Tables of Crystallography'. These are the authoritative reference works on the subject of symmetry properties of crystals. He also does research, involving undergraduate students, into the cutting edge elements of this subject, for example magnetic and non-magnetic space groups and subperiodic groups. His work finds applications in a better understanding of properties of domains and twins. ***
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 7/1/97 → 6/30/01 |
- National Science Foundation: $129,528.00