SST: Sensor Network for 3D Geophysical Imaging of Glaciers and Ice Sheets

Project: Research project

Project Details


There is a serious lack of knowledge of physical processes within and beneath glaciers and ice sheets, at a time when modeling needs are acute for predicting ice sheet and glacier movement, and associated sea-level changes. Under this grant, a network of wirelessly interconnected geophysical sensors (so-called 'geobricks') will be developed that will simultaneously include: seismic reflection and refraction imaging, radar imaging at high- and low-frequencies, and a dense array of continuously operating GPS receivers. Along with the 'geobricks', a source, both radar and seismic, will be developed which can be towed by snowmobiles. With this network, measurements can be made of: basal roughness, subglacial sedimentary and hydrologic conditions, englacial crystal fabric, accumulation rate variability, and the '4D' (time and space) variability of the ice sheet flow field

Effective start/end date5/1/054/30/09


  • National Science Foundation: $523,184.00


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