Student Support: 2015 Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference and 43rd North American Manufacturing Research Conference; Charlotte, North Carolina; June 8-12, 2015

Project: Research project

Project Details


This award supports 60 graduate and undergraduate students studying at US institutions to participate in the co-located conference event consisting of the 2015 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference sponsored by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and the 43rd Annual North American Manufacturing Research Conference sponsored by the North American Manufacturing Research Institution of the Society of Manufacturing Engineers. These two leading conferences in the Manufacturing Engineering field act as global bridges between industries, government laboratories, and academic institutions. The award provides student participants with opportunities to exchange ideas with leading researchers and engineers from worldwide industrial and governmental facilities, as well as with students and faculty from both domestic and international engineering schools. In addition to nurturing a global manufacturing vision, participants will learn the latest research areas and results in manufacturing fields.

The support will cover (1) the registration fee at $325 per student, (2) the accommodation cost at $270 per student in a shared room for the entire duration of the conference, and (3) transportation expenses at $350 per student for selected students who make poster presentations on NSF-sponsored projects. The call for student support applications is disseminated through posting on main conference websites, promulgation through conference organizers, track chairs, and symposium organizers, and direct communication with students involved in poster session, student design competition, and student author research presentation competition. Submitted applications go through a selection process by the conference committee. Eligibility criteria to receive the support include (1) students must be from US institutions, and (2) students must be actively participating in the conference through presenting a paper or poster, or participating in a competition. After the conference, the list of students who have received the support will be announced on the main conference website, in the Manufacturing Science and Engineering 2015 post-conference report in the Manufacturing Engineering Division's Newsletter, and in the Award and Recognition section on the North American Manufacturing Research Institution's website. This award enables these students to improve their knowledge of manufacturing technologies, and helps them to become engineers and researchers to lead the next generation of US manufacturing.

Effective start/end date4/1/1510/31/16


  • National Science Foundation: $34,500.00


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