Project Details
This project involved the operation and maintenance of a radar at Goose Bay, Labrador. Over the past several years, a global-scale network of high-latitude HF radars has been developed to probe some of the critical questions in solar-terrestrial research. The network is known by the acronym SuperDARN (Super Dual Auroral Radar Network) and the radars within it are based upon the design and operation of the radar located at Goose Bay. These HF radars sense ionospheric plasma motions from Doppler measurements of signals backscattered from small-scale ionospheric irregularities. The new radars are funded by Britain, Canada, Finland, France and Antarctica; four remain to be completed within the next 16 months. In addition to operation and maintenance, the investigators will insure that the software controlling the radars is maintained and updated, and that data from all of the radars are collected onto common data bases that are available to interested scientists from all participating countries, including the U.S. They will also assist U.S. scientists in the acquisition and use of HF radar data, and continue their own research activities that are associated with the SuperDARN data. These include studies of the global-scale structure and dynamics of high-latitude convection under changing interplanetary magnetic field and solar-wind pressure, studies of transient magnetospheric boundary processes as imaged in the high- latitude ionosphere, studies of the detailed relationships that exist in the high-latitude E-region between electric fields, currents and conductivities, studies of large scale MHD resonances, and studies of small-scale irregularity generation in the high- latitude ionosphere.***
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 9/1/95 → 2/28/99 |
- National Science Foundation: $641,140.00