Project Details
The National RF Ionospheric Effects Workshop is held annually to discuss the science of ionospheric modification experiments. The focus of the workshop is on the interaction of high-power radio frequency (RF) waves from ground-based transmitters with the ionospheric plasma and resultant phenomena such as the generation of ELF waves, ionospheric irregularities, and induced optical emissions. The 2013 meeting will be held April 21-24 at the National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center Arecibo Observatory in Arecibo, Puerto Rico. This award is to coordinate and facilitate the meeting, and to provide support for fifteen students to attend the meeting. In high frequency ionospheric modification experiments interesting and potentially useful effects can be produced. For example, under suitable ionospheric conditions, operating the transmitter in a mode that couples the energy into the D-region can alter the ionospheric conductivity and modulate the electrojet currents, which then radiate electromagnetic waves at the modulation frequency. Waves generated in this manner have been measured with significant amplitudes both on the ground and in space. Other effects include the generation of field-aligned irregularities of the plasma, large-scale modification of the plasma density, and stimulated electromagnetic emissions. There is a community of researchers dedicated to understanding these effects and an annual meeting provides a forum for communicating their results. Providing support for students to attend the workshop serves the goal of ensuring that future generations of radio scientist will have background in this area of research.
Status | Finished |
Effective start/end date | 4/1/13 → 3/31/14 |
- National Science Foundation: $45,800.00