Project: Research project

Project Details


The Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development (NERCRD) enhances the capacity of Land-Grant Universities (LGU) to foster regional prosperity and rural development. We accomplish this by conducting impactful research, forging partnerships with federal agencies and stakeholder organizations and connecting them with the Land-Grant system, while also serving as a regional hub that links research faculty and Extension professionals across state lines. Rural areas nationwide face pressing problems including economic and demographic change, climate variability, and uncertainty about the future, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues impacting rural communities differently.This proposal reflects the NERCRD's ongoing response to these changing conditions, and builds upon the priorities recommended by the Center's Technical Advisory Committee and adopted unanimously by its Board of Directors at the November 2021 annual meeting. These priorities draw on five realms of inter-related technical expertise - economic development, resilience and innovation; tourism and recreation economies; food systems and agriculture; labor and workforce development; and general capacity building - and three cross-cutting issues that we will also incorporate: diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA); climate change; and rural-urban interactions. The activities outlined in this proposal also draw on outcomes from a new USDA stakeholder engagement initiative's national survey and listening session dialogues (Entsminger et al. 2021). Thus, both NERCRD governance bodies and regional and national stakeholder input guide our proposed research and Extension priorities over the course of the next year, which also address USDA FY 22-26 Strategic Goals 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Effective start/end date9/1/228/31/25


  • National Institute of Food and Agriculture: $599,100.00


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