Urban & Suburban Safety Performance Functions (Ph II)

  • Shankar, Venky V. (PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


The objective of this research effort will be the development and implementation of state specific Safety Performance Functions (SPFs) for differing functional classes in Washington State. These SPFs will be used by all safety professionals and those responsible for safety assessment in Washington State. To achieve this objective the following will occur: (1) an assessment of the current practice, (2) literature review of national and state practice, (3) development of SPFs by functional class, (4) development of SPFs implementation procedures for the differing tools and offices (e.g., HSM, Safety Analyst, IHSDM, etc.), and (5) recommendation for subsequent SPFs development.
Effective start/end date11/20/12 → …


  • U.S. Department of Transportation: $57,717.00


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