US Participation at the Twenty-sixth Internaltional Domain Decomposition Conference

  • Xu, Jinchao (PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


Scientific computing is an important and general interdisciplinary research field and plays a crucial role in many application areas in science and engineering. In recent years, there has been tremendous growth in both the need for large-scale scientific computing and the amount of computing power, thanks to new high performance computing (HPC) clusters with millions of cores. Domain decomposition methods represent one of the most powerful and versatile techniques for the efficient parallel solution of such large-scale scientific problems. The goal of the current project is to provide financial support for US-based early career researchers, i.e., graduate students and post-docs, to attend the 26th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods, to be held in Hong Kong from December 2-6, 2019. The conference is part of a series that is considered one of the most successful in Applied and Computational Mathematics. The NSF-funded US participants will benefit from learning about cutting-edge developments in domain decomposition methods and latest worldwide trends in high performance computing. They will also have the opportunity to develop new collaborations with other researchers from Asia and around the world. The proposal will support up to 10 participants to travel to this workshop and some of these 10 are expected to be graduate students at US universities.

Domain decomposition methods (DDM) can be regarded as a divide-and-conquer strategy for solving mathematical problems posed in a physical domain, reducing a large problem into many smaller, but easier-to-solve, problems. They are particularly suited for making efficient use of distributed memory architectures, which are able to solve many such smaller problems in parallel. As we approach the dawn of exascale computing, such scalable techniques are vital tools for solving complex problems in physics and engineering that would otherwise be intractable. Since 1987, the International Conferences of Domain Decomposition Methods have been held in 15 countries throughout Asia, Europe and North America. In this conference, now in its 26th edition, researchers in domain decomposition and related fields will present and discuss state-of-the-art methodologies and developments and propose future directions in high performance computing. Early career researchers will be able to participate in one of three ways: as speakers at a minisymposium organized by fellow participants, by giving a contributed talk, or by presenting a poster. The NSF-funded US participants, consisting of graduate students, postdocs and other early career researchers who lack their own funding, will benefit from learning new developments in domain decomposition methods and latest trends in high performance computing. MOre details are available at the conference website:

This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.

Effective start/end date8/1/191/31/21


  • National Science Foundation: $15,000.00


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