Web-Based Quantum Mechanics Tutorials for Undergraduates

  • Robinett, Richard Wallace (PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


This proposal outlines a project to develop and test a series of web-based tutorials in quantum mechanics (theory and applications) for use in conjunction with more standard textbook materials in the core, junior-senior level quantum theory courses taught at colleges and universities. A set of 3-4 such modules would be produced as part of an initial 'proof of concept' funding period on topics from the areas Modern Physical Systems, 'Classic' Quantum Systems and Experiments, Mathematical Methods, and Visualization of Quantum Phenomena. These new web-based materials would include a wide variety of conceptual, analytic, and numerical questions and problems which would allow students to test, refine and further explore (via homework and linked references) the information presented in the modules. They would also be keyed to and coordinated with a wide variety of existing textbooks in order to provide instructors with the ability to tailor their courses to meet the needs and interests of individual students. Students making use of these materials would be introduced to modern applications of quantum mechanics in novel scientific and technological systems, classic experimental tests that form the underpinning of quantum theory, and modern mathematical methods, expanding and extending on material found in the standard curriculum. Although intended mostly for advanced undergraduates, these materials would be tested on sophomore level students taking modern physics courses as well as first year graduate students in order to probe pedagogical questions such as how student understanding of quantum mechanics concepts develops over the undergraduate career, how web-based materials are used by students at different stages of their development, and how increasingly more sophisticated material (which may require students to work on homework exercises for longer periods of time) is utilized by students in the context of web delivery.

Effective start/end date9/1/998/31/02


  • National Science Foundation: $66,995.00


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