Workshop: Building a sustainable combustion research community

Project: Research project

Project Details


1733968 Niemeyer

This proposal is to support the costs of the meeting and the travels of the participants who will attend the workshop on Building a Sustainable Combustion Research Community. This proposed workshop will be held on April 22 and 23, 2017, prior to the 10th US National Combustion Meeting in College Park, MD. Workshop participants will consist of junior faculty members who just started their academic careers in the field of combustion and fire research. In the U.S. nearly 70% of energy conversion is accomplished by combustion. Hence the advancement in combustion science is crucial to the society. The workshop discussion will be focused on the future challenges in the field from the perspectives of early-career researchers, who will be the workforce to address these future challenges in their careers. Workshop findings will be documented in a report that will be disseminated to the wider technical community.

Combustion is a key technology for power generation, and this will remain the same for decades to come. However, the combustion research community is facing various technical and non-technical challenges. The goal of this workshop is to identify challenges, educate the early-career researchers about these challenges, and discuss possible solutions. Discussion around technical issues will include brainstorming of novel, possibly cross-disciplinary research areas for future work. On the other hand, various non-technical issues will also be discussed, including communication with the general public and lawmakers and attracting and retaining talented researchers of diverse backgrounds. Results of this workshop are expected to help build a more productive combustion research community.

Effective start/end date3/1/178/31/18


  • National Science Foundation: $15,195.00


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