Workshop on Climate and Weather Extremes

  • Shaby, Benjamin Adam (PI)

Project: Research project

Project Details


The Workshop on Climate and Weather Extremes will be held in State College, PA, October 23-25, 2016. This workshop will serve two complementary purposes. The first is to introduce graduate students, as well as others wishing to enter into the area of extreme value analysis, to the techniques and challenges that are unique to studying rare events. The second is to provide a venue for statisticians and atmospheric and climate scientists to share ideas and facilitate collaboration aimed at understanding rare, high-impact climate and weather events.

The first day of the workshop will feature an introductory short course on the statistics of extremes, taught by Dan Cooley of Colorado State University. The following two days will feature research talks on statistical methodology and applications related to extremes. These talks will include several by researchers who are not statisticians by training but are deeply involved in studying climate and weather extremes and their impact. Finally, there will be a poster session on the evening of Monday, October 24. For more information, please visit

Effective start/end date9/1/168/31/17


  • National Science Foundation: $10,000.00


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