61.1: Invited paper: ZnO thin film transistors and circuits on flexible polymeric substrates by low-temperature PEALD

Dalong A. Zhao, Devin A. Mourey, Ho Him R. Fok, Yuanyuan V. Li, Thomas N. Jackson

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We report using a novel, weak oxidant, plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition (PEALD) process at 200 °C to fabricate stable, high mobility ZnO thin film transistors (TFTs) and fast circuits on glass and polyimide substrates. Weak oxidant PEALD provides a simple, fast deposition process that results in uniform, conformal semiconductor and dielectric layers and enhancement-mode MOSFETs from uncompensated films. Highly conformal PEALD Al2O3 layers provide a high yield dielectric on rough plastic substrates for both PEALD ZnO TFTs and cross-overs. Our PEALD ZnO TFTs have field-effect mobility of >20 cm2/V·s on polyimide substrates with excellent bias stress stability. TFTs biased continuously for 40,000s showed <50 mV threshold voltage shift. We also report fast PEALD ZnO circuits on polyimide substrates with propagation delay <20 ns/stage for VDD = 18 V.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)909-912
Number of pages4
JournalDigest of Technical Papers - SID International Symposium
Volume41 1
StatePublished - May 2010

All Science Journal Classification (ASJC) codes

  • General Engineering


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